Pledge to Donate
Don't want to give yet but want your commitment to be counted? Please fill out the form below, and we will make sure your amount gets counted in our monthly amount to be able to start the children's homes (and other programs).
Thank you for everything you are able to do to help us fulfill the mission of our organization. Through your gifts and your being involved together, with God's guidance, we can change the lives of these people in Romania who need help.
Please note: We are not connected at all to any Potter's House in the United States. We are a completely separate organization and are registered here in Romania (though we receive our funds through World Outreach Ministries, a 501(C)3 ministry in Georgia, United States). "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world," James 1:27. |
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